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Amazon Japan

Ordering Books from Amazon Japan

Ordering Books from Amazon Japan (New & Used)

Are you looking to order books from Japan? Perhaps new or second-hand books? Amazon Japan ships to over 65 countries and if they don’t ship to your country, you can take advantage of our service where we purchase the items in Japan and ship to you. 

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ordering books from amazon japan

Shop for books by Category

graphic novels

Comics, Manga & Graphic Books

japanese magazines


japanese children's books

Children’s Books

japanese literature and literary books

Literature & Literary

japanese civilization and culture books

Civilization & Culture

japanese textbooks and study guides

Textbooks & Study Guides

japanese antique and collectible books

Antique & Collectible Books

japanese business and economic books

Business & Economic Books

japanese lifestyle and health related books

Lifestyle & Health Related

japanese science and technology books

Science & Technology

japanese investing and finance books

Investing & Finance

japanese medicine and nursing books

Medicine & Nursing

japanese non-fiction books


japanese history and geography books

History & Geography

Step by Step on how to purchase New and Used Books from Amazon Japan

1. Register for a free Amazon Japan account.

To check if they book you want to purchase is available for international shipping, simply create an Amazon Japan account. Unfortunately, Amazon accounts from USA, Australia, UK and other countries does not work in Japan. Please create a separate account. All you need is an email to get started. 

register for free amazon japan account - button


2. Add the book/books to your shopping cart.

Amazon Japan accepts all major credit and debit cards from your country.

3. Checkout page

At the checkout page, you’ll see the total price plus the shipping cost to have it shipped to your country. If for some reason the item is not available for international shipping, please take advantage of your shipping service.

How does Amazon Japan ship?

They ship via DHL Express, which includes tracking and insurance. This shipping method is faster compared to SAL or Airmail from Japan Post, which can take up to a month!

Can’t read Japanese?

I highly recommend you use Google Chrome browser to translate the website from Japanese to your language.

What countries does Amazon Japan ship to?

Products that are available for international shipping, they ship to these following countries.

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