A Step-by-Step tutorial on How to Purchase from Honto.jp
If you need to purchase books from Honto.jp for international delivery, follow the steps below. Honto.jp currently ships books via EMS, SAL and Airmail.
Step #1 – Create an Account
Go to www.honto.jp website. From the top right side of the website, click the red icon with the following Japanese Kanji character. See the arrow from below.
Step #2 – Go through the Registration Process
By clicking the Yahoo/Facebook/Gmail link, it will pre-populate the fields. For the sake of benefit of everyone, in this tutorial, we will enter each field manually.
Enter your name in Katakana. It does not accept Romaji. Please visit http://whiteagle.net
Select Male or Female.
Your Birthday.
This section is if you have Honto membership card. Just skip this part and move on to the next section.
If you want to receive information about new releases, check all the boxes. Totally up to you in this section.
Complete the Registration by clicking the blue button below.
You should see this message, which basically says you are done with the registration. Congrats! BUT, we are not done yet…
Step #3 – Add International Shipping Address
Before you can enter your country’s shipping address, you must enter a Japanese shipping address. You must be asking, well I don’t live in Japan so I don’t have a Japanese shipping address. Right?! I feel your pain 🙂 Luckily, you can get one for free through OPAS. OPAS is a package forwarding service for international users. Why are they giving out a free Japanese shipping address? Simply put, if you shop at most websites in Japan they will require a Japanese shipping address to ship the product you purchased. By using the OPAS shipping address, the items you purchased will be shipped to them. After OPAS receives the item, they will ship it to your country (for a fee, of course). A win-win for both parties.
[infobox maintitle=”Product you want is not available for international shipping?” subtitle=”Use our proxy service and we ship the products to your country. Contact us at wakuwakumono@gmail.com” bg=”red” color=”black” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”]To add international shipping address, go to this link https://honto.jp/my-account/address.html?addressRegMode=1
Next, enter the Japanese address you got from OPAS. Very important! Make sure to enter it in Japanese as it won’t accept English.
On the next step, double check everything.
Step #4 – Add the item you want to purchase in the shopping cart
If you want to purchase a physical book and not an ebook, make sure you are in the right section. From the top menu, it is the middle button.
After you have found the book you want to purchase, click the add to cart button. See below.
Proceed to the checkout by clicking this button if you are done shopping, if not keep adding the books.
Step #5 – The Checkout Process
Click the green button to continue.
Next, select your payment method. The obvious choice here is to choose a credit card. If you don’t have a credit card, you can use our service to purchase the ship it to your country using PayPal. For details, please email us at wakuwakumono@gmail.com
FINALLY, the last step! Hooray~! Just make sure your shipping address shown is correct. This should be your country’s shipping address. If not, just click the button below the address (see pic below) to change the address. And click the green button to finish the checkout process. Now, you might be wondering how come the shipping price is not shown? Unfortunately, Honto.jp must calculate the shipping price manually, so they won’t be able to show you the shipping price immediately. You should be getting email from them after you complete the order in regards to shipping price.
Choose your shipping method. SAL is the ideal choice here, as EMS & FedEx delivery can be very expensive. SAL will take 2-4 weeks for delivery.
I know this step by step tutorial was long and if you have any questions please leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to help out. Please note that Honto.jp is not the only website available in Japan to order books for internationally delivery. I highly recommend Amazon Japan, which has a much simpler checkout process than Honto.jp.
[infobox maintitle=”Product you want is not available for international shipping?” subtitle=”Use our proxy service and we ship the products to your country. Contact us at wakuwakumono@gmail.com” bg=”red” color=”black” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”]
When I did everything, and checked out, it directed me to a page telling me to input a Japanese address. I already have a default address (My real one) and a japanese address(I used a tokyo local mcdonalds) but it urged me to input a japanese shipping address when I check out
Hello Ron,
I wrote this blog post a few months back and maybe it no longer works. You can post a screenshot here and I can take a look. Thanks.
So will i be double charged then? As in charged for the manga & shipping, and then charged again by OPAS for them shipping it to me? or is it being shipped directly to me, not going through OPAS if I use the sites international shipping?
You don’t need to use OPAS if they can ship directly to you.