If you are looking for Tamiya mini 4wd RC and parts not available in the USA or other countries, you can purchase them directly from Amazon Japan. If for some reason Amazon Japan does not ship the product to your country, you can contact us to have it shipped to you.
Check out the links below to purchase Tamiya Mini 4WD spare parts, chassis and etc. from Amazon Japan
Register for an Amazon Japan account
To purchase any items from Amazon Japan, you first need an account with them. Unfortunately, you can’t use Amazon accounts from other countries. All you need is an email address and your name to get started. They don’t even ask for you to fill in your personal information at this stage. I have to direct link to the registration page in English below
AR and MA Chassis for Mini 4WD, Special and Pro Series
You can browse various ar & mr chassis directly from Amazon Japan. The prices range from $4 to $9 and shipping to other countires is around $9 via DHL Express. They also have items not yet released and you can pre-order them.
white[infobox maintitle=”Tamiya item you want is not available for international shipping?” subtitle=”Use our proxy service and we ship the products to your country. Contact us at wakuwakumono@gmail.com” bg=”red” color=”black” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”]
Spart Parts and Upgrades
Amazon Japan currently has over 1,300 Tamiya parts for sale. Like aluminum bearing, carbon multi reinforcement plate and etc. Shipping cost to other countries starts at around $5 and up. The aluminum bearing you see below cost about $5.40 shipped to USA.
Have any questions? Leave me a comment below this post and I’ll get back to you.