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Amazon Japan

Ebbro 20012 Team Lotus Type 91 1982 1 20 Scale Plastic Model Car Kit

By February 23rd, 2017No Comments

How much does Ebbro 20012 Team Lotus Type 91 1982 1 20 Scale Plastic Model Car Kit cost?

Price of the Ebbro 20012 Team Lotus Type 91 1982 1 20 Scale Plastic Model Car Kit shown below is current as of February 11th, 2017

About $42.42 USD from Amazon Japan.

This plastic model was developed by Team Lotus for the 1982 F1 World Championship. This kit requires assembly and painting. Make sure you have the proper tools for the assembly.

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ebbro 20012 price from Japan

How much is the shipping?

To the USA, it is about $14.86 USD via DHL Express. Includes tracking number and insurance.

Ebbro 20012 Team Lotus Type 91 1982 1 20 Scale Plastic Model Car Kit

Ebbro 20012 1/20th Scale Plastic F1 Model British GP – 4526175200121

UPC: 4526175200121


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For the same price, you can get the product for most of the time cheaper and definitely faster shipping speed. Also, you have the conveience and reliability that Amazon offers.

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