Takayama Online Shop is a chain of stores specializing in sale of secondhand luxury goods, clothing and accessories, video games and etc.
How to Order from Takayama Online Shop
1. First, you need to go to https://takayama78online.jp/
2. The site is in Japanese and you can use Google Translate or just right click, wait for a dialog box to appear and click Translate to English.
3. Choose from the different goods category.
5. Or type what you are looking for in the search box.
6. Once you find what you are looking for paste the URL via this link below, you can put several URL links in the request form.
- Once we receive your request, we will send you an invoice, including our service fee, domestic shipping fee (if any) and Paypal transaction fee.
- Once you pay the invoice, we will purchase the item/s. We’ll let you know once we receive the item/s and send you a quote for the shipping fee.